Exciting Announcement!
Over the next few months, we're relocating our content to enersys.com. This move is a result of our acquisition by EnerSys®, to enhance our unified brand identity for you!

NorthStar leads the way forward.

Our goal has always been to lead the industry with innovative solutions that exceed the demands of our customers and reduce their operating costs.

We were the first to launch a battery cooling solution with energy-efficient active cooling, keeping batteries at optimal operating temperatures to extend battery life and cut electricity expenses. We pushed the limits of battery design by releasing our 210Ah battery range - the highest energy density 12V products available on the market. We recently enhanced our UPS battery range to keep up with the demands of modern data centers and reduce your maintenance costs. And of course the future of energy storage management - NorthStar ACETM.

Our biggest innovations are still to come.

NorthStar Batteries have started talking. Are you listening?

Get full battery diagnostics, performance reports and installation guidance at the push of a button.

Reduce battery replacement costs, site visits and faulty installations with this innovative new solution.

Learn more about NorthStar ACE® and how it can help your business!


An enhanced high rate AGM range.

NorthStar Battery is proud to unveil an enhanced line of high rate AGM thin plate pure lead batteries, complemented by a comprehensive warranty.

Our high rate AGM range has been updated with an electrochemistry that delivers longer lifetime and exceptional performance at high rates of discharge, with fast recharge times. This upgrade has also enabled NorthStar to extend a full warranty for batteries operating in environments as high as 95ºF.

Find out why 6 of the USA's top 10 data centers rely on NorthStar batteries to protect their facilities.